Download donor data from Nonprofit Admin Portal
Download donor data with the click of a button. This data includes donor names, email addresses, donation date, donation amount, donation frequency (one-time or monthly), donation page, and other custom information.
Before You Get Started
- Have you set up a Core Profile? It's a critical first step.
At present, we are in a transitional period between two systems of donor data: the old system and a powerful new report called “Line Items (All)”. The old system will be phased out in early 2025, but until then different data will be retrieved depending on where the data is pulled from.
“Export CSV” tool in the Reports Portal
This is our powerful new report called “Line Items (All)”.
To download a comprehensive “Line Items (All)” CSV file of donor data (learn more about the data included), log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal. Click the “Data Reports” link in the left-hand navigation bar and then select “Line Items (All)”. (Additionally, nonprofits that have received donations through the Giving Basket will see menu items for some combination of three other on-screen reports – “Line Items (Giving Basket)”, “Transfers” and “Checks”.)
Note that the default date range is the past three months, but data from other periods can be viewed by adjusting the date filters and clicking “Apply”. If a selected date range does not include any data, you will see an alert. If you're confident that there should be data, double-check the selected date range and try again. If the system returns the same alert, contact our support team.
Then click “Export CSV” to download the data, which will be delivered by email. The downloadable CSV contains all the information for the selected date range in the “Line Items (All)” on-screen report plus a whole lot more.
“Export Donor Data” tool on the Nonprofit Admin Portal main dashboard
This CSV download tool will remain in place until early 2025.
Log in to the Nonprofit Admin Portal and scroll down the Dashboard page to the section on the right side called "Export Donor Data."
Insert a date range for the donation data you'd like to download and click the "Export" button. If a selected date range does not include any data, you will see an alert. If you're confident that there should be data, double-check the selected date range and try again. If the system returns the same alert, contact our support team.
The downloaded CSV file contains data that can be sorted however you like. The data set includes donors' names, email addresses, donation date, whether the donation was one-time or recurring (monthly), the size of the donation, which page they donated through, and any other information you've elected to collect.
A more extensive data set can be downloaded from two other places:
- Reports Portal – This is a comprehensive CSV file of donor data. See the section above.
- Stripe – This includes information about payment status, fees paid, credit card information and more. Learn how to download data from Stripe.
Important notes
- All CSVs, once ready, will be downloadable via a link in an email sent to the address associated with the Nonprofit Admin Portal user account.
- If clicking the “Download My CSV Report” button in the email opens your file in a new browser tab instead of downloading the CSV file, try the following:
1. Right-click on “Download My CSV Report”.
2. Select either “Save Link As” or “Download Liked File As”.
3. Click “Save” to confirm your choice.
4. Locate your downloaded CSV file on your computer. - When downloading using a Safari browser, click the pop-up warning to allow downloads from Give Lively.
- Depending on how much data is being requested, it may take time for the email to be sent. That said, if it’s been more than 24 hours, contact our support team.
- Each report will be available for 72 hours from the time the email is sent; if that time expires, a new export must be launched.